Tenant File 1099 Program - Create forms and reports for your Owners and Vendors! NOW WITH EXPORT CAPABILITIES for e-Filing - An IRS REQUIREMENT for 10 or more forms!
* The new Tenant File 1099 Program is $69.95 for the first year and $39.95 for annual renewals. For both MISC and NEC forms.
The 1099 Program prints on the required IRS forms (purchased separately) and creates reports for Owners (1099-MISC) or Vendors (1099-NEC). The information is gathered between any two dates in the current tax year from your existing information. You can even export your data to a CSV (comma separated value) file for e-filing (required for over 10 forms) your information though a 3rd party.
Troubleshooting tips for the Tenant File 1099 Program:
Get the right location of your data:
Right-click on the Tenant File shortcut on your desktop, then select 'Properties'. Look at the 'Start in' field. That is the 'location' of your current Tenant File (ignore the quotation marks).
Not bringing in data:
Note: If you download any forms below, you will need to copy/paste the report file into your C:\TF1099\Reports folder. This is NOT YOUR TENANT FILE REPORTS FOLDER. To open the folder, right-click on your Tenant File 1099 icon on your desktop, choose 'open file location' the double-click on the 'Reports' folder to open it. This is where to paste the downloaded files. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the file is downloaded, DO NOT TRY TO OPEN IT. Instead choose, 'Show in folder'. Then you can right-click on the file name, choose 'Copy', then 'Paste' it into the 1099 Reports folder mentioned above.
Right-click on the Tenant File shortcut on your desktop, then select 'Properties'. Look at the 'Start in' field. That is the 'location' of your current Tenant File (ignore the quotation marks).
Not bringing in data:
- Erase any entries under the 'Range to Print' and let the Tenant File enter '(first)' and '(last)'. Don't type it yourself unless you are looking for a specific name!
- Make sure the 'Report on Dates' are for the year you need to report on.
- Make sure the 'Include Owner/Vendor Balances Over' field entry is either '0' (zero) or a valid whole number.
- Make sure the 'Report On' selection is 'Income to Owners'.
- Make sure you have chosen a valid income account under the 'Select Income Categories' button.
- Be sure that you have data for that account in the Unit Ledger.
- Make sure all Owners in your main Tenant File program that you need to report income for have their correct 'Tax ID' entered in the main Tenant File.
- Make sure the 'Report On' selection is 'Payments to Vendors'.
- Make sure you have checks written and printed to those Vendors in the Tenant File for the year you are reporting.
- Make sure all Vendors in your main Tenant File program that you created and printed checks to have their correct 'Tax ID' entered in the main Tenant File.
- Use the Adjust Form button on the main screen to lower the print.
- Be sure that you are using the paper size 8 1/2 by 11 only. (not A4 or other settings)
- Adjust the top or bottom margin of your printer.
- Be sure that you don't have any page scaling or fit to page settings on.
Note: If you download any forms below, you will need to copy/paste the report file into your C:\TF1099\Reports folder. This is NOT YOUR TENANT FILE REPORTS FOLDER. To open the folder, right-click on your Tenant File 1099 icon on your desktop, choose 'open file location' the double-click on the 'Reports' folder to open it. This is where to paste the downloaded files. MAKE A BACKUP FIRST!
- Owner 1099 MISC Form: (Call for report)
- Owner 1096 Transmittal: (Call for report)
- Vendor 1099 NEC Form: (Call for report)
- Vendor 1096 Transmittal: (Call for report)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Once the file is downloaded, DO NOT TRY TO OPEN IT. Instead choose, 'Show in folder'. Then you can right-click on the file name, choose 'Copy', then 'Paste' it into the 1099 Reports folder mentioned above.